parents divorcing, what the hell do i do?


Active Member
Originally Posted by tinysmajick
assaulted by his father.

I would be willing to put money on the family atmosphere you are growing up in with these kind of sentiments...At least Shark saw how he could have helped his own situation..


How much?

I'll take that bet.
I was raised by a single, hard-working, self-sacrificing mother that stood up for what she believed in and wouldn't take anything less than what she earned and expected.
My father wasn't around because she didn't want him to be. She found out when i was young that he was into drugs. And when she realized he wouldn't change, she took me out of that enviroment at the age of two. And NEVER looked back.
My father committed suicide when I was 15. Might be harsh but from what I have heard about him(several sources) he is better off.
She never even allowed herself and boyfriends to get into arguements around me. And for that (and other reasons) she lost many relationships. But never looks back in regret.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tinysmajick
I'll take that bet.
My father wasn't around
I already one the bet..


Originally Posted by watson3
I already one the bet..
If you honestly think so then, ok.
But you quoted "assaulted by father"
So technically, no.


Active Member
I would be willing to put money on the family atmosphere you are growing up in with these kind of sentiments
I said you..I did my sociology paper on this subject..How grown ups are affected by no father growing up..


You know, as of right now, I don't really like you.
I think it is because our opinions differ so much on one certain sensitive subject.
But, I have to say no one and I mean NO ONE, has challeged me the way that you have, in a very very long time.
I respect that. It is actually quite stimulating. You keep me on my toes.
At several points I wanted to close my laptop and leave out of aggravation, but honestly it was worth it.

Everyone has their own opinion. Some stronger than others.
You know what they say about them.(opinions)


Active Member
Originally Posted by tinysmajick
I respect that. It is actually quite stimulating. You keep me on my toes.
At several points I wanted to close my laptop and leave out of aggravation, but honestly it was worth it.

I find it healthy..If you do not mind, how old are you and how successful are you..I found that it was the males that were less sophisticated and rounded after not having a father..Females seemed to make up for it in Husbands, etc..
You know what they say about them.(opinions)
Some are wrong?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
while ill thank all the ppl that have responded w/ condolence and advice ill have to ask the mods to reclose this thread as i have sorta gotten the point, my dad had no excuse to hit me, i was mildly disrepsectful to my aunt.


topic got way out of control and sharkboy the one who started the thread ask for it to be closed.
I would like to say there is a difference between discipline and abuse. And sharkboy was not disciplined but abused by this action. I would contact DHS and ask them for advise you can do this annomynously if you want to but you need to figure out where to go from here. also I would like to say that at 13 you really need to learn aliitle more restrainton your words the desrespect that you showed was uncalled for and did IMO ask for some sort of discipline but not what you got under any circumstances.
good luck sharkboy.