Parting out in San Diego!


Okay I have some prices for parting out my entire system-
I will consider these prices or best offer, obviously I need to sell all the livestock before I can start selling equipment so I'm not sure how long this will take, all equipment is in great condition and prices do not include shipping (If at all possible I would prefer pickup)
Please feel free to ask any questions you may have and I'll do my best to answer every one!
Tank/stand/canopy- Make Offer
2 Maxijets 1200's -25
2 Rio 900- 10
2 – 110W VHO Actinic 48” bulbs- 35
2 – 250W MH 10K bulbs on eballasts – bought from Reef Fanatic.- 250
2 – Spider Reflectors- 40
2 – 5” cooling fans in top of hood. -25
Southbay SB 180 sump with: -95
- Southbay 6-1 Skimmer with Sedra 5000 pump- 150
- Iwaki 40RT Return Pump- 80
- Refugium – 10g Rubbermaid with 2 household bulbs – 6” DSB plus LR rubble – good fan worm population, Caulerpa, etc. Feeds from and to Sump in closed loop -25
1 – Yellow Tang -10
1 – Blue Tang -25
1 – Tomato Clown- 6
1 – spotted Mandarin- 10
1- Emerald Crab- 4
-Various hermits -10
-Many, many baby snails
1 - Spiny brittle/serpent star (Large)- 5
1 - Fire Shrimp- 15
1 – Yellow Leather- 49
2 – Yellow Cup Coral pieces (1 the size of a fist, the other the size of a saucer) -20+40
1 – Green star polyp cluster- 50
1 – Brown star polyp cluster- 10
1 - Green Monti Caps – bright green (1 larger than a dinner plate)- 60
1 – Red Monti Cap – saucer sized- 30
1 – Bluish purple plate coral (not sure of name) – the size of a saucer- 50
1 – Hydnophora – about 6” in every direction.- 60
3 - Green Ricordia- 16 +(whatever pounds of rock they are attached to)
1- Button polyps cluster- 40
1 – Green brain- 50
1 – Torch Coral- 35
1- Mushroom Cluster 10-15 mushrooms- 30
150 lbs live rock 3/lb


How big is the tank? and are you willing to ship the ricordia and if so how big is the rock that it is atached to?


Could you kindly email me photos of the Yellow Leather & Green star polyp cluster you are parting with?

email: mjc9@uakron .dot. edu


Dvincent- I'm thinking $20 for all the crabs and snails (I'm not sure the best way to grab all the baby snails, maybe you have a suggestion?) There is about 15-20 hermit crabs and a lot of small snails.
MPLS-I think it pumps 710 GPH, and as for the fish I would be willing to ship, I'm just not sure of the best method and will have to research the most approved way. BTW My blue hippo has very vibrant color is very coordinated and eats like a cow, and with only 1 fin(I think a crab got to her when she was sleeping) This happened a long time ago, she is very healthy and does not take away anything from her health or beauty (I can send pics if you like) Let me know.
Dirtee- The tank is 100 gallons, and yes I'm willing to ship (just need to learn how to safely package) the rock is only a couple lbs (not very big, and very nice looking) I'll have to confirm if it's the same rock but I think a couple of mushrooms are attached as well and I can either remove these or leave them on. I'll get back to you on that one.
Vejo-I will take some pics tomorrow, I don't have a great quality camera but you will get the idea for sure of what they look like.
NOfish-Ok, If I don't work something out with Dirtee, I'll let you know.

mpls man

Active Member the iwaki pump, are you sure it isn't the 40RLT?, do you have any pics, and how old is it,


Active Member
Things I am interested in!1 - Spiny brittle/serpent star (Large)- 5
1 - Fire Shrimp- 15

3 - Green Ricordia- 16
+(whatever pounds of rock they are attached to)
1- Mushroom Cluster 10-15 mushrooms- 30

I am not sure if the bold numbers are the price or not, let me know. Like I said in the other thread you had, I am going to be going to San Diego over the weekend, and then sunday I am heading back and Carlsbad is on the way home, So if local pickup is still availble for those items let me know, and let me know the pricing, I believe the bold numbers are the prices?


Shawn, Hmmmm your screen info says carlsbad, but you say san deigo??
what are the deminsions of the tank and how much do you want for it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Symon
Shawn, Hmmmm your screen info says carlsbad, but you say san deigo??
what are the deminsions of the tank and how much do you want for it?
Carlsbad is like 20-30 minutes from san diego, So, its practically the same thing.


shawn100 said:
Dvincent- I'm thinking $20 for all the crabs and snails (I'm not sure the best way to grab all the baby snails, maybe you have a suggestion?) There is about 15-20 hermit crabs and a lot of small snails.
I will take what you can gather up as far as the snails are concerned, if you like i can wait until you are in the process of disassembling the tank and come and pick them up then drop me an e-mail at with your phone number and we can work out the details. Darrin


This is just a test (attaching picture)- I took a picture of my leather (sorry for the ancient digital camera) but It's the best I have right now! I will be sending other pics shortly of all that were asked for. Thanks for your patience.


Full tank Shot( cut off maybe a few inches on the left- On the right it shows a better size of the leather.


Flame- Still have the Powerheads, I haven't sold anything and can't until I have all of the livestock sold. Since you were the first to ask, if you want them when they become available, we'll talk.
MPLS- The Model is MD-40RT-115NL, it's about a year old, and I will have pics tomorrow.
Smoney-Those are the prices and yes I still have these available and I would prefer pick up so yes these will be available this weekend. Send me an email and we can work something out.
Symon- I live in Carlsbad which is North County San Diego, most people are familiar with San Diego as opposed to Carlsbad, that's why I chose say SD! The dimensions for the are- 60" long x 24" Tall x 18" wide.
Dvincent- I will send you an email a little later tonight.
I will be posting more pictures of the livestock shortly, my camera isn't the best and I have to resize every picture, sorry!