Party Affiliation


Active Member
Both "parties" stink.
I was a republican, once. I am a conservative though not a blind one...


Active Member
Philosophically and fiscally I'm very Republican....Environmentally, I have a little (very little) Democrat in me....I would vote for any party that would stand up to the wasteful spending and missmanagement of our tax $$$'s that is going on in Washington.
The Democrats are a horror show of epic proportions right now, and the Republicans have poor leadership and keep focusing on social issues that I could care less about.
Washington D.C. is a joke to me right now.

darthtang aw

Active Member
I am registered as a republican, however If we ever get a viable third party I would switch.
Fiscally I am conservative. I don't see a need for much of our spending. If people have to live within our means then government should have to as well.
There are some social issues I do agree with to a degree. It just seems to me that on these issues, both parties are so hardlined regarding them. And I view them as somewhere in the middle.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51
I would disagree. TR fought the big banks-the J P Morgan showdown being a prime example and he started the anti-trust laws to break up the monmopolies in banking and industry that was keeping all but the wealthy elite dirt poor. GW and the Reps evicerated 100 years of banking reform in the name of competition, basically giving monopolistic power back to the banks. One thing the Democratics
are doing, that the Republicans are trying to block, is seperate industrial/banking empires, like GE. No, GW was for deregulation of banking and industry at any and all cost-thus the financial meltdown. Teddy was for free-market within the limits of anti-trust protections of the federal govt.
Banking "reform" happened before Bush. Bush expanded the role of government from no child left behind, Medicare prescription drug plan to creating the largest wild life preserve I think maybe in the world with the marine sanctuary he created in the pacific. Very TR like in my opinion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by uneverno
Or maybe Incontinent.
Political attitude (because there is no such party)?
Jeffersonian Liberal.
Have you read Jefferson? He makes Libertarians look like leftist nuts...


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Philosophically and fiscally I'm very Republican....Environmentally, I have a little (very little) Democrat in me....I would vote for any party that would stand up to the wasteful spending and missmanagement of our tax $$$'s that is going on in Washington.
The Democrats are a horror show of epic proportions right now, and the Republicans have poor leadership and keep focusing on social issues that I could care less about.
Washington D.C. is a joke to me right now.
+ 1 kajillion million jiggawats
cept the enviromental stuff...I want beach front property in Ohio.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Have you read Jefferson? He makes Libertarians look like leftist nuts...
Hmmm. Do you think I would've posted as such if I hadn't?
Here's your Jefferson quote for the day:
"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression."
Sounds reasonably liberal to me.


Active Member
At one time liberal was used to describe a philosophy that interpreted our rights, rather than the governments power liberally. In other word old time liberals believed the government had less authority over we the people. How times have changed. I remember back in the 60's the hippies wanted the government to leave them alone, not control every aspect of their life.

tank a holic

Active Member
I think anyone thats vote is based strictly on party is a moron
hear the beleif's and facts, then cast your vote
and not because p diddy told you you'd die if you voted for bush


I agree, as we have learned the hard way the 2 party system here does not work anymore. Too much power delegated to single men/women for our better good. Ever heard the phrase "Too many chiefs and not enough Indians"? And we all know that they will always say one thing and do another. That's why I can't for the life of me figure out why the American people still let this stuff go on.


Active Member
One thing to consider is we don't have a two party system. We have a system dominated by two parties. All it takes to break the cycle is people getting behind a good candidate from outside the D and R brand. Jesse Ventura and Joe Lieberman proved it can be done.
Just need someone with the name and money to tell the parties to bite me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
All it takes to break the cycle is people getting behind a good candidate from outside the D and R brand..
I am for the party that would stop the redistribution of Americas wealth to Global Socialization called the world or global market. An industrialized nation is a strong nation. You do that by exporting products, not jobs. Too Patriotic though...


Active Member
The formation of the United Nations was one of the greatest mistakes in the recorded history of the world. Any organization that places officials from countries like Cuba and Libya as presidents of their human rights commission demonstrates it has no redeeming value. They are more about promoting global socialism than anything else.


Active Member
That is the truth. The idea at the time was not a bad one though. After 30 years and 40-50 million deaths, Truman really wanted an international body to work out disputes between countries to end what seemed, at that time, an endless slaughter. But his ignorance (and naivete) was what tyrants and despots had been dreaming of for centuries.


Originally Posted by reefraff
The formation of the United Nations was one of the greatest mistakes in the recorded history of the world. Any organization that places officials from countries like Cuba and Libya as presidents of their human rights commission demonstrates it has no redeeming value. They are more about promoting global socialism than anything else.

The UN is evil. Pure evil. Anything that purposefully keeps people suppressed and poor. I can give too many examples.