Pather Grouper with shrimp ??


Active Member
When my Panther was about 1 1/2" and the shrimp about 2" ...
The shrimp would chase the Panther around and "terrorize" him..:D
That lasted about 6-8 weeks...
6-7 months later the Panther was 6"-7" long and would have "eaten" the shrimp in one gulp...
I had to seperate them...:eek:


i've read that a cleaner will clean any fish it can get to and the fish will mostly enjoy it but there has been cases were a grouper or trigger will eat the shrimp after the cleaning..


Active Member
panther groupers are awsome. I only have a 29 gallon and at my LFS there is one about an inch long. My mom realy realy realy likes him and wants me to get it because he is so cute. Then she saw they grow to 27 inches..... Thats like the size of my tank.... There is a rainforest cafe at a mall near me, and they have a huuuuuuge cylinder tank with a part where you can walk under. Its probably overstocked.... But there are look downs and tons of other fish, including some panther groupers around 20 inches. its pretty awsome


Active Member
Couple months later "Spot" is hanging with a 13" PV Lion...
These fish not only grow large..they grow FAST!!!:eek:
(the Tang is almost 5")


those things will eat anything. I came home one day and i had those 3 long black with a white stripe school fish (don't know the name), but one was gone, the other was dead at the bottom and the last was still alive but in my groupers mouth, which he ended up dieing from the wounds. The funny thing is that my group was only a baby and was a lot smaller than these fish. It was crazy, i didn't know what to think


Active Member
haha it reminds me of little largmouth bass. Im an avid bass fisherman and in my friends backyard is a little pond. In there are little largemouth about 5-9 inches. Since neither of us can drive yet, we sometimes go back there just for fun and catch 5 inch bass on a 6 rapala lure. Ive also caught a 3 inche sunfish on a 5 inch Zara Spook. There are just some fish like that.