Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)


Active Member
okay so i put a background up on the back to hide all the cords and such!
also put in a piece of dead coral for looks



Active Member
lol. relax man! did you ask rebel like i told you?
and tank coming out great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love the rock work


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
That canopy is kool...
got pics of u making it? or blue prints or something...
Wouldnt mind trying that for my 5 gal tank!!
thanks every one!! no i dont have pics i was by myself when i did it. maybe thats why its wrong haha. but i just kind of winged it lol. once i fix it ill try and tell you how i did it


Active Member
I'm still kinda stumped why you guys get these elaborate cycles... I might get diatoms for a week (coralline came back all the way in less than 2 weeks) and then it clears on a new tank, but I'll have 0-0-0 for parameters at all times. I keep my extra sand and rock going with power heads in rubbermaids and always seed with stuff from established running tanks.


Active Member
yeah im gunna get like 3 or 4 more but smaller. i love his color and he is about an inch and a half. pretty big for my little tank. i can see a line on my rocks where he is just goin to work! also he is a ginny pig to make sure i can get some more (if he lives)