Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)


Active Member
lol. dont worry rebel will post here eventually. but ahh dont worry someone will find the heart to write here


Active Member
yeah that would be awesome!!!! i love great colored rics and zoas. the only problem i my LFS sucks!!!! i will have to get some people on this site to let me buy some!!


Active Member
buy them online. well you know ima give you some so your good. but rics idk how to grow those lol. like i have 2 and those 2 are about to split to make 4. but ahh how long does it take?


Active Member
fish; pair of true percs.
shrimp goby combo
inverts: 5-6 snails
cleaner shrimp
pep shrimp
corals: rics
hairy mushrooms
something true percs will host
lots of colors!!!