PBT sick?


I recently purchased a Powder Blue Tang for my 220 FOWLR. Currently the only occupants of the tank are a yellow tang, a blue hippo, a niger trigger and a bursa trigger (all fairly small fish). After acclimating the PBT for about 2 hours using the drip method he seemed to be doing fine. The next day I noticed that his swimming habits were quite strange. He is almost constantly searching for an edge of a rock to rub on and when he's not, he'll swim in speed bursts, like he's trying to get away from something...
He's been in the tank about 6 days now. His appearance looks fine to me. No obvious white spots or anything noticeable. Should I have reason to be concerned?


Active Member
The erratic swimming behavior may only be due to adjustment to the the new tank.
However. rubbing on rocks tends to be associated with the early stages of an ich infection. Considering tangs tend to be ich magnets, I would watch the fish closely. You will probably see spots within another week or so.


Today I noticed that my PBT had what looked like to be some sort of parasite on his left eye. This was the same side I noticed he was scratching previously on the LR. I can't really describe what it looks like but I call tell it is translucent and almost covers his eye completely. Should I go ahead and Quarantine?
Also, my small blue hippo seems to be coming down with something as well. I've noticed small red blotches starting to appear down her side. Should I QT?
I bought both of these fish about a week ago from the same place...
I'm thinking about going to WalMart and buying 2 - 10 gallon tanks and setting them up for QT. Would you guys recommend treating the PBT with hypo and the blue hippo with some sort of antibiotic? Please help...
P.S. I also have two small cleaner shrimp on the way, should I maybe try adding these to the QT's?


Active Member
The cleaner shrimp will not do much. You cannot keep them in any tank that you are contemplating using hyposalinity or copper as this is toxic to invertebrates. I enjoy my cleaner shrimp but I have never had good luck with them doing much cleaning.
The time to Quarantine should have been before you added the fish. At this point you are looking at treatment in a hospital tank. It is difficult to tell what disease you are fighting, but it sure sounds like your fish are infected (most likely with ich).
Get at least one of those cheap walmart tanks going so that you can partially cycle that aquarium.
Any chance of getting a picture?