I recently purchased a Powder Blue Tang for my 220 FOWLR. Currently the only occupants of the tank are a yellow tang, a blue hippo, a niger trigger and a bursa trigger (all fairly small fish). After acclimating the PBT for about 2 hours using the drip method he seemed to be doing fine. The next day I noticed that his swimming habits were quite strange. He is almost constantly searching for an edge of a rock to rub on and when he's not, he'll swim in speed bursts, like he's trying to get away from something...
He's been in the tank about 6 days now. His appearance looks fine to me. No obvious white spots or anything noticeable. Should I have reason to be concerned?
He's been in the tank about 6 days now. His appearance looks fine to me. No obvious white spots or anything noticeable. Should I have reason to be concerned?