PC lighting & Clams.


Could clams (Tridacna) live under power compact lighting? I would have three units totaling 330 watts, or do they require metal halides. Thanks, TT.


Some clam species can live under PC lighting just fine. Derasa, squamosa, and gigas clams would do okay. They tend to live in deeper waters. The maxima and croceas need much more light. Daniel Knop says they need at least 250 watt metal halide to do well. They all need good calcium and alkalinity levels. I think the hippopus clams don't need lots of light. They are not Tridacnids, but are still interesting.

car guy

the lowest lighting for any kind of clam is 9 watts per gallon, you barley have 3 watts per gallon, plus clams and scallops generally don't do well in captive environments, just like moorish idols, and dragonnets


Active Member
One question: Would a clam in a 135 gal. tank with 330 watts of pc light sitting 8" below the light not grow as well as a 30 gal. tank with 330 watts of pc light sitting 8" below the light?
Will the clam know the differance of a 30 gal. tank to a 135 gal.?
One tank has 3 watts, the other 11 watts.
My .02, If you have enough lumans to keep a clam, do it. Do not use watts per gallon. One has nothing to do with the other.


Do clams require a specific spectrum? I have 2x250 watt 12000K MH bulbs. Is this good enough for all clams? Are there some that would like this lighting better than others?