PC lighting


Hello all!
I currently have a JBJ PC hood atop my 72 gallon bow front. It sits on top of the glass covers that came with the tank. I have been told by the lfs that the light will not penatrate through the glass and that I need to change to plexiglass for the light to make it into the aquarium. Does this sound right?
Thanks in advance for the info.


I've heard that glass will cut down on the benefits the lights.Such as sun light coming through a window.The kelvins are not as strong.


Thanks for the reply!
Do you believe that Plexiglass would work any better at letting the different light frequencies penatrate into the water? I am not that familiar with lighting, My live rock looks to be doing good. There is new growth and Coraline algae growing. I just want to get the most out of what I got (can afford)
Thanks again tnr for the response.
anyone else out there with some info?
Thanks in advance for your time and knowledge.