pc lights


New Member
i have a 50gl tank with pc lights. I would like to know how high the lights should be from the water, and what is the furthest distanct they can be from the water. #2 anyone have a commit on adding lv sand to a tank that has already cycled.
thanks for the help.
:) :confused:

kris walker

Active Member
The lights should be as close to the water as possible, but far enough away so that water will not splash on them (and air circulation can cool them). For me, I had no choice because I have a wooden canopy, and so the lights for me are 4 VHO bulbs about 6 inches above water, separated by a piece of glass (to keep water from splashing).
About the ls question, if your tank is already cycled, it should not cycle again with the addition of ls. In fact, IMO the only reason to add ls to a cycled tank is to start a DSB.


I agree. Pc lights should be as close as you can get them without grtting them wet.
The sand thing.... If You have any other substrate such as crushed coral remove it all. Don't try to mix or layer them.