PC or MH


Heres an option no-one has mentioned, T-5 lighting is what I use and with the sunlight supply kits with their parabolic reflectiors they allow you to keep everything! Low power comsumption, almost non existant heat issues, and you replace the bulbs every year and a half! For your tank you could get a 4 54 watt retrokit with icecap ballasts (ice cap because they overdrive the bulbs and actually some how increase life to two years) and that would give you, with overdrive 320 watts, perfect for everything! I'm going to attach a pic of rjwilson's tank to show you how it works. I use the 3 foot bulbs on my 58 wich is the same as your 75, just a foot shorter


yea but if ur goin to send the money for t-5 u mite as well get mh, plus u get the cool water reflection on the sand!!!!lol


I'll have two 175w white bulbs. For my actinics I'm wonerdering If I should get flourescent, PC, or VHO retrofit kits for my actinics?


man, i wouldn't be able to cope with the heat in my system, and its WAY cheaper over the long run


T-5! I swear, if your already going retro go to wwwdotreefgeekdotcom get a 54 watt retro overdriven by the icecap, it'll be great!


well u could go t-5. but i think vho or pc would be the cheaper way to go. u could always get a jebo or odyessa light and take it apart and retro fit it. thats how i got my 2x55w actinics. u could get it for like $75 with shipping. they do have a cheap t-5 set up too.


theres this one site aquatra... that i can get a 48" 108w PC Odyssea lighting. Its a fixture that you would just mount to your tank with out a canopy, so I could just take it appart like you did JOBOB right? thanks


T5s cheaper if you plan to keep the tank for a while, replacemnents for VHO and PC adds up... 3 times more than the 5s and the 5s are much more effective


Was it easy? Did you have to sepparate any wires? I think i'm going to do this. I'll get a Jebo oddyssea 48" PC 130w fixture and tank it appart. Does this sound good?


well it all depends on how u want them. u could put them together and u wont have to cut wires. or put them end to end. and u mite have to make the wires longer. easy cut one wire at a time and connect with longer wire. to 4 wires each bulb. 2 bulbs 8 wires. very easy to do. save u alot of money.


wait never mind. as long as u put the end caps together u wont have to cut anything. so all u have to do is to take it apart and retro fit into the canopy.