PC or T5?


I know this comparison has come up numerous times recently, but not sure if it was in this configuration. My LFS is offering some refurb T5 and PC lights at a pretty decent price. I can get either a 4x54W T5 (216W with 2-10K and 2- 460nm blue actinic), or a 4x130W PC (2 - 130W Dual Daylight 6,700k/10,000k and 2 -130W Dual Actinic 420nm/460nm). These are Nova Extreme fixtures, and the PC is about $70 more than the T5. I've seen the posts showing the T5's run cooler and give more output than the PC's. Plus the T5 bulb life is longer. But if I go with the PC, I get twice as much power output, plus I get four different ranges of light spectrum. Looking on Nova's site, the PC bulbs are the dual-tube style. Looks like the fixture actually has 8 bulbs. So do I get more bang for the buck going with the PC's, or do I go with the lower wattage and get the newer technology T5's? I have a 55g, and not interested in clams and SPS. I would like to get an anemone down the road if I decide to put a clown in the tank.


Active Member
IMO I would still go with the t-5's. The argument that they are more intense than PC's is true, how much more however is still a mystery. Although if you dig enough you can see where people have done their own experiments with Lumen and PAR meters to measure how intense the light is at what depth. There is a company that does put the lumens out put of their t-5's on the bulbs I just cant remember who it is. But it is stated that t-5's have more lumens per watt than PC's
Fact is T-5's are more energy efficient and run cooler. The PC's you are describing IMO will be very hot, and changing that many bulbs every 6 months as they recommend will be quite expensive. You can always add another t-5 fixture down the road too. just a thought.


Active Member
T5s are much more efficient at converting watts to lumens, hence the reason they are cooler (the loss in conversion to lumens is given off as heat). They are much better than PC, and considering the price difference, go for the T5. Don't buy into this watt/gallon nonsense, the output is what is important. The T5 is simply lower wattage because they are more efficient, just like LEDs. Add a few T5 bulbs and enjoy, I have them as actinics on my reef and they look great.