PC vs VHO really is just personal preference. Both will work equally well on that size tank IMO. I would suggest splurging for an IceCap 660 Ballast and then you could mix & match to get the best of both worlds. For example you could use 2X 96watt PC12,000K and 2 X 110Watt VHO Actinic.
I lean toward VHO if MH is not an option. Only because I've had more success with it and I prefer the URI Actinic over the PC Actinic. In addition, I'm a clutz and the PC bulbs break really easy.
If I had a 75 (and MH is not an option) I would start with 2 X 110Watt URI AquaSun and 2 X 110Watt URI SuperActinic all run off an IceCap 660.
A slight mod worth experimenting with would be to substitute the AquaSuns for T8 Daylight bulbs. The endcaps are hard to find, but the bulbs are really cheap and burn very bright but consume less power.