PC placement around MH


As you all probably know I have 2, 400w MH bulbs on a 90gal. The lights are 8" away from the water surface. I recently bought a 4x65w PC retro from Coralife (in the pic). Do you think I should mount those lights up next to the MH, or move the MH lights back and place the PC's more near the water surface? Will I lose a whole lot of PC light placing them that high, and if I place them lower, will the MH lights be able to burn or melt the retro? Thanks for your help! Heres the Retro I got, just to give you an idea.


I would mount the PC's up by the MH if I were you. Even if you lose a little light intensity from the PC's you will still have around 9 to 10 watts per gallon. Just my opinion, I am struggling with these same questions, but your are off to a great start.


Thanks, thats what I was thinking about doing. Just supplement the MHs with some blue light as well as for a dawn and dusk effect. SPS corals, here I come!