PC vs. VHO


i know this has probably come up before, but here we go again. i am thinking of upgrading my 29g reef into a 75g tank. right now i am running2x55 watt PCs, 10K and an actinic. if i go to the larger tank would it be best for the system to just add more PC lighting? or would it be best for the system to go with all VHO lights?
please give opinions of both types of lighting, pros and cons for doing each. please be as specific as you can, all opinions are welcome and appreciated. :D


Active Member
You could mix and match anyway you want just make sure you have enough light and right spectrum. At least 3-5 watts per gallon more is better.JMO


Active Member
PC are more compact and will allow you to put more light over a given size aquarium. They also put out a little more light per watt than VHO. VHO seem to have a better actinic and come in more spectrum variations. They each last about the same amount of time. I haven't priced them lately, but the PC setups were cheaper than a comparable VHO setup, but that may have changed. If it were me I would go with 1 110w VHO actinic and 4 x 96w 10k.


I use both VHO's and PC's and I would recomended Icecap VHO's all the way. Expensive but worth it.
You can also run PC's lamp off an Icecap ballist.


Active Member
IMO.. The VHO have a better look than the compacts. I have heard that compacts supposedly put out more light. I don't buy that. I have had both on the same tank. Started with PC and switched to VHO.. Same tank.. Corals responded better to the VHO. Not only that, fishes colors looked better to me...
Just my opinion..
PC do run cooler than VHO though....