

I have a 125 gal with 4 96 watts PCs 10,000 k 50/50 lights is this considered vho or should I add more lighting. If this is ok, what kind of stock should i put in a reef


Hey whats up man my LFS has 4 show tanks 2 MH and 2 PC tanks. They have 4 96watt pcs on the 125s. They look awesome. Now if you go by watts per gallon thats only 3 per gallon. They have everything in that tank besides sps and clams. They have just about everykind of LPS. They have large sized show LR that is closer to the top which would give better lighthing to the corals will get. PC is a little more intense then a VHO. SOme people think that vhos look better. BUt ever since i seen there pc tanks they look awesome. Looks like the color of there MH tanks but no shimmer and a little dimmer. Hey that rhymes lol. Anyway if you got the 4 by 96 pc you could upgrade in the future and reuse 2 96 watt pcs for actinic. You should do this combo. 2 10k and 2 true actinic 03 it will look better then the 50/50 IMO> If you want a little more light you can add 2 more 96 watters if your ballast can handle it. they you can have 3 10k and 3 ture 03 it would look awesome. I would choose pc over vho now that i seen a setup pc tank in person.


New Member
I have recently set up a 120gal tank and have 2 of the 4-65watt pc for my lighting. The tank looks aswome. They are the 48" coralife lights. My tank is 60" long so my lights cover about 100gals, its about 5.2 watts per gallon. The total of 520watts per 100gal. Don't have any coral's yet, still letting it get established. I'm interested in seeing what i can do with my lighting. Have about 120lbs of lr, working on my clean up crew at this time, or should i say waiting for saltwaterfish.com to get moved in there new building.


I have changed lights several times and ended up with 4x48" VHO bulbs and 3 250w MH lamps at 10K. Everything is doing good and sems to thrive at this level and I am going to try a clam or two once I get the LR reconstrction and moving done.