Peaceful Bristle Worm??


I'm fairly new to saltwater aquarium hobby. After losing almost all of my first tank fish to ich, I set up a 20 gal quarantine tank. I added a 15 lb live rock and 3 small damsels to the bare bottom tank. One night I came home to see a worm about 6"-8" coming out of a hole in the rock. It was grey/brown in color and about the size of a pen in circumfrence. It looked like a centipede, thus the 'bristles'. I took a picture and my LFS says it's a bristleworm. They said some are harmful and some not. After the tank cycled, I added a bannerfish, and about 10 snails, 1 clam, 1 coral banded shrimp, 2 emerald crabs, 4 small hermits, 1 Sally Lightfoot. They have been in there about 2 weeks and the worm doesn't seem to have bothered anyone. I haven't seen him for a while, so I wonder if he is afraid of the fish or other inhabitants. Anyway, I plan to move everything except the damsels to my 125 gal tank in about 2 weeks. I have one cinnamon clown and 2 cleaner shrimp in the large tank. Any reason to supect that the worm might cause trouble if I move the rock as well? Any issues with the other inhabitants? Thanks

bang guy

Your worm sounds to me like a beneficial detrivore. I would keep it as there's a 99.9% chance that it's beneficial.
Avoid touching it though...