Peaceful or Aggressive


Well the time has nearly come to pick my first saltwater fish and I've come up with two lists of possible inhabitants.
Specs: 54G Corner Tank, Magnum 350, 45lbs of LR, LS, 25W Flour
2 Ocellaris Clownfish (first purchase)
2 Firefish (2 months)
1 Radiant Wrasse (4 months)
1 Longnose Hawkfish (6 months)
1 Green Mandarin (1 year from now)
2 Percula Clownfish (first purchase)
1 Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish (2 months)
1 Neon Pseudochromis (4 months)
1 Coral Beauty Angelfish (6 months)
Any recommendations? Am I off my rocker?
- Nathan


Active Member
Nope, not off your rocker. That will be a tough list to choose between, but you deserve a big pat on the back for both your selections, and schedule of additions!! Just remember, even small lions can fit surprisingly large fish in their mouths.


Originally Posted by ophiura
Nope, not off your rocker. That will be a tough list to choose between, but you deserve a big pat on the back for both your selections, and schedule of additions!! Just remember, even small lions can fit surprisingly large fish in their mouths.
Many thanks on the compliment. My kids really really want 'Nemo'. I really want a Lion Fish. I posted in the clown fish forum and found a guy who has had a perc clownfish with a dwarf lion successfuly and figured that was the best of both worlds.
- Nate


Gotta go peaceful. Though lions are very interesting, they're a danger to other fish, and you as well(when you feed, clean, etc.)


Both list are great, i would personally go with the peaceful. But it's really just a personal preferance because either would work.


Active Member
well id ur kids really want nemos, and u really want semi aggressive, y not get maroon clows, they get pretty big


Do both of these lists pretty much max out the capacity of the tank?
I suggested the maroons in the clown/anenome forum and i think they may work as well. I actually haven't seen the maroons in person, so maybe that would sway me one way or the other.
- Nate


Active Member
Definitely personal choice, and I, personally, would have a tough time deciding between the two.
I am not a big fan, however, of gold stripe maroon clowns in general. I find them a bit on the nastier side, IMO.


Thought about something today. If I have 2 clownfish in my tank and they decide to mate do I just let nature run its coarse? That considered 'unethical'?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nate_m
Thought about something today. If I have 2 clownfish in my tank and they decide to mate do I just let nature run its coarse? That considered 'unethical'?

It is the way things work in nature. Clowns commonly spawn but it takes effort (eg a separate tank) to raise the fry. In nature, as in our tanks, most would become food.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
It is the way things work in nature. Clowns commonly spawn but it takes effort (eg a separate tank) to raise the fry. In nature, as in our tanks, most would become food.
My lionfish would definitly eat those.... :hilarious


One last question...
If I go the aggressive route I'm guessing a cleaning crew is out? I have 45 lbs of LR and wondering if I need to make sure something cleans up before things get out of hand?
- Nathan


Active Member
I think the cleaning crew would be out due to the lion. Like everyone else has said, good lists, tough call! I think I would go with the peaceful list for the cleaning crew and option of corals in the future (kids would no doubt love a skunk cleaner or two). I would stay away from the maroons. They are quite tempermental, maybe not the cute 'nemo' fish your kids are going for. JMHO.


I have a Fuzzy Dwarf Lion with ..perc clown.. royal gramma...cardnial..and a ton of cleaning crew, snails crabs.... all are living happily ever after :joy:
These are in my 37g....


Active Member
The lion is a possible threat, IMO, to shrimp...but other clean up crew members - snails, hermits, etc- would generally be fine I would think.