Peaceful replacement for Lunare Wrasse.


So. I have a Lunare Wrasse i need to remove. I inherited it with this tank. However it has slowly become more agressive. I started noticing my smaller fish (maroon clown and new tank mates) we being nipped at. You know know, the ugly fin bites. I was never seeing it happen just the ugly after affects. I slowly rotated all the fish i know to be tempermental out of the tank. Starting with the Damsels and finally, after many weeks, i caught that horrible Lunare Wrasse chewing on my maroon clown.
So i will be getting rid of a fully grown (HEALTHY) lunare wrasse. But my real question is what is a peaceful replacement? the purpose he served was to keep the bristle worm community down. Maybe i can just go without something for a while.


Active Member
No tank should require something that eats bristleworms.
First they are beneficial scavengers in most cases. And their populations are dictated by nutrient load in the tank. If you have a lot of them, there is a lot of food for them. So the number one consideration is to assess that.
Lunare wrasse are big, aggressive fish that definitely have no place, IMO, with smaller tank mates. big is the tank, what fish do you have, and what are your plans (eg corals, inverts)?


Ok.. So i would assume too many worms is overfeeding then. I do not see any now. i just know that was the original reasonf for the fish and didnt want to have a problem again.
Currently its a little 75g. I have begun to plan a larger lagoon setup. I have seen many good ideas here and plan to have something completed by next summer.
As for fish everything i have now is replacable except my Bicolor Parrotfish (brand new from SWF and will move it ASAP to the lagoon when completed, still very small). Not a big fan of corals and plant type things. Just fish. As for inverts, normal cleanup crew dictated by whatever fish I decide to go with. Maybe i will stick with just the Maroon Clown and Bicolor. Maybe just remove the clown and get a pair.

tank a holic

Active Member
not sure what you're looking for here but if you want another wrasse how bout a sixline or a flasher wrasse
not sure about the temperment of a sixline but flasher's are peacefull
you'd need eggcrate though they're jumpers