Peacock Mantis webcam


In case you didn't read it in the aggressive forum. I had to get rid of my mantis because he was whacking the tank and I got paranoid. I gave him to a good friend and now he's igot a 30 gallon all to himself. He has a webcam running 24 hours I think. Pretty cool stuff. Snoopy seems to be doing good and is eating crabs like a madman. Check him out.


Active Member
bummer, I like his "redecorating" ideas....

I will catch him when the lights are on.
When you say he was wacking the tank, you mean with his claws? :eek:


Well, he doesn't have claws really. More like clubs that hit at the same velocity as a .22 bullet. Even though my glass is a quarter inch thick I wasn't willing to chance it. He hit it dead on and I watched in horror. I didn't even think about it. I just pulled him out as soon as I saw it. My wife saw it a bunch of times when I was at work the day before but I didn't know how bad it really was. Oh well, he's got a great home, with a good friend that lives close by and I can see him whenever in person and on the cam. Lights are on a 9am to 9pm schedule I believe. He's actually going out and buying him a 75 gallon tank tommorow! That is one lucky mantis.
New home below.....


Nah, I just commanded him to leave the tank.

lol, I netted him and and stuck him in my JBJ cube for the day.


Active Member
my dumb question is, would your friend be buying an acrylic
tank? Wouldn't he do the same in the 75 if it were glass??


i am checking out the vids, and i thought you can not house mantis shrimps in with fish? and from what i see it looks like he has an eel and some damsels fish in there with him
Hey there Devil, most peacocks will eat fish if they can get em but prefer snails and crabs and such. He just wanted to have a varied menu. He may eat them maybe not but either way that's the reason he put fish in There isn't an eel in there, don't know what you're seeing there.
my dumb question is, would your friend be buying an acrylic
Actually a good question. He doesn't have as much to lose if the tank breaks as I do. If my tank broke it would destroy much of my house and I have a wife and kid. He's single and has nothing under or close to that area of the house he would cry over if it got wet. But yeah, same difference.
Yeah, I had to keep my mantis, about 2 inches, in my 72g because for some reason Mantis' won't survive in my 20g. Must be something that I'm missing... but they are great creatures.


Thats awsome live feed!!! Now we can all watch and enjoy hehe. How loud was it when he was hitting the glass?


How loud was it when he was hitting the glass?
Neo, it was LOUD! Like a whip cracking or something. Friggin scary. I thought it was over. lol Not sure when he feeds because he's just been tossing in a few emerald crabs every couple days or so as well as the chromis in there. Lighting is from 9am to 9pm so just watch all day!


Lol 2 out of 4 chromis left. OMG though it looks like the rock fell on Snoopy and is crushign him right now I hope thats not the case.


Active Member
I've been watching for the last 20 minutes or so, the only thing I can say is LOOK OUT blue devils, SNOOPY looks HUNGERY!:scared: Lisa