Peak Oil?


Active Member
wow....thats all i can say.
If you are too ignorant to read it then im sorry when this actually happens....and it will happen


Active Member
Before the whole Iraq thing started, even before 9-11, I thought I read somewhere (in reference to us becoming more independent regarding oil) that we had enough oil in storage for over 100 years. This is not to mention the possible oil that can be used from our own lands.
I am not saying this is fact.....I just thought I read or heard it several years ago? Anybody remember anything like that?


Pretty nutty! I guess at some point it would have to happen. We live in a crazy time. I'm 21 and it could be my kid riding the camel.


Active Member

Originally posted by aarone
wow....thats all i can say.
If you are too ignorant to read it then im sorry when this actually happens....and it will happen

Get real, whether or not you or I know about it, isn't going to make a !@#$ bit of difference. I just refuse to spend my life worrying about it.
The United States current reserves might would get us by for a few months max, and that would be with ridiculous rationing restrictions. 100 years would be about all the Great Lakes filled three times.
I thought I would pass it on. If it doesn't peak until I get out of school and make decent money I'm buying a RO/DI unit, a massive cistern, tons of solar equipment, a large piece of land, and a green house. If it hits the fan before I get a good job then oh well. LOL


Active Member
I did not mean any offense kara,
Hey boner...we could always tap that pristine wilderness of alaska :thinking:



Originally posted by waterfaller1
I agree with Karajay..Live..Love..Laugh..every moment,as if it may be your last.:)

Thats all we can do, might as well enjoy it while it lasts. As even if you know it will happen tommorrow, not much you can do about it. I'm still smiling :D
Bonermeister, as for buying some land, a green house, etc.... go for it. When people near you get hungry and find out you have food... well; locks, shotguns, and mastiffs won't stop them. So whats the point?


Active Member
If it came down to it....i would want to relocate to the alaskan wilderness with lots of munitions and off what i have while starting a pioneer like life....I would live off the fat of the land...that way i can raise my family and see them live without any worry of war and death and poverty.


Basically, if this went down it would be the end of the would you would have gangs running the streets poeple would die according to religion and skin color mass murders total chaos the average joe would have to become some type of miltia army type in order to survive by stealing from other people to live



Originally posted by aarone
If it came down to it....i would want to relocate to the alaskan wilderness with lots of munitions and supplies

Brazilian wilderness/rainforest is probally a better place!


Active Member
If you go back to that page that describes the effects...there is a letter from the future...
ever played the game fallout?


I'm heavily armed and hiding in my bunker located in a secret location deep beneath the city. Please don't ask the secret location of my secret underground bunker because it is a secret.