peanut worms?????



They are part of a cleanup crew. All of the beneficial hitchhikers that come with your rock are usually for cleaning.


Active Member
A quote from another part of the board:
The Sipunculids- aka Peanut Worm feed on detritus, microscopic organisms and organics they extract from the sand. The peanut worm burrows into soft rocks and crevices often hiding during the day and coming out at night to feed. They reproduce sexually and given the right conditions can become quite abundant. I have recently discovered many in my tank and had a rare opportunity to photo one as it looked for food.


My guy seems to come out during day or night I wish I had a camera to take some pics of my tank. Soon enough!


Active Member
I have a rock with about 2 or 3 of them. They are amazing janitors. The area around that section of live rock has absolutely no detritus and the rock suface is clean as a whistle. Once you get passed the initial disgust of their appearance, they look really cool.