Pearl Bubble Coral Has Bubble Algae



What would the best method be to get bubble algae off of bubble coral before I place it in my reef tank. I have it in a QT tub, it is open and seems to be doing good. Ready to place it in my reef tank now, I do have a hugh emeral crab in the tank, but don't know if I should leave the bubble algae on for him, or take it off. And if I take it off what is the best way with the least amount of stress to coral?
Thanks all. :thinking:


if its on the skeleton just pluck it off before it goes in to the main tank. it wont hurt anything just becareful when you do it can burst all over the place but if its in the QT no worries youll just have some bubble algae in the QT.


Active Member
I was able to manually remove the larger pieces easily. After that, my emerald crabs quickly ate through a forest of small bubble algea. The crabs work nicely.
My crabs pick through my coral all the time keeping it clean. :happyfish


I did get it picked off, broke one but it is in the QT tub, will place the pearl bubble coral in reef tomorrow after work, have to rearrange rock to make the perfect spot for it. Thanks all.


New Member
Emeralds..get them because they are no stop workers for evrything..if you have them just leave the BA on and they will take care of it.