Pearl Bubble Coral hit wall. 1/2 of the skin is gone overnight! Quick advice plz.


I have a BIG octo bubble. more than 1/2 the skin is off the skeleton with a little tiny bit skin still there. Some places have no skin. Will it reginerate? Some parts are still ok where it didnt hit the wall of the tank. Will that grow over the bad parts?.
Its my favorite coral and i'm so sad. Thanks guys!


Active Member
Tough to say . . . and to be honest, only time will tell. I have seen some bubble corals come back from what I thought was dead. Put it into a spot where it wont fall again, low current, and moderate lighting. It might be OK.


Active Member
It looks OK in that picture. I would keep an eye on it and make sure you get it fed on a regular daily basis while it is recovering. I rescued a buble that was totally cut in half and it has started growing back together.


that was what it looked like. Now it looks like crap but I will start feeding it a little bit everday

irish pride

New Member
There is product out by kent marine that is called "dip" . It is a combo of iodine and something else and it greatly improves the progress of seteriating corals. Look into it. But DO NOT try and make your own.
I just wanted to compliment you on your tank.. Very Nice!
Also.. I didnt see much of a cleanup crew... How do u keep it so clean?



Originally posted by TriggerFinger
I just wanted to compliment you on your tank.. Very Nice!
Also.. I didnt see much of a cleanup crew... How do u keep it so clean?

I have one of the reef setup that I got here. It was like big 20 +1 or something. I hate them damn blue hermits. I should of gotten all snails. That is an old picture when my tank was 1 month old. Keeping it clean was just using RO/DI and getting that package. Before that with Tap water and no clean up crew my Lawnmower Blennie was going crazy!



Originally posted by Irish Pride
There is product out by kent marine that is called "dip" . It is a combo of iodine and something else and it greatly improves the progress of seteriating corals. Look into it. But DO NOT try and make your own.

I will look into this. I will post the grusum(sp) pictures tonight if im at the house



Originally posted by overanalyzer
It looks OK in that picture. I would keep an eye on it and make sure you get it fed on a regular daily basis while it is recovering. I rescued a buble that was totally cut in half and it has started growing back together.

That gives me a lot of hope!!!!
Hey Joe, If u dont mind me asking... What kind of lighting system are u using... and is that a DSB or CC? Wet/Dry or Natural?
Sorry for twenty questions.. Your tank is just something I would like to work towards.. Its Beautiful..



Originally posted by TriggerFinger
Hey Joe, If u dont mind me asking... What kind of lighting system are u using... and is that a DSB or CC? Wet/Dry or Natural?
Sorry for twenty questions.. Your tank is just something I would like to work towards.. Its Beautiful..

I had a Coralife 2 X 96 Watt Hood suspended over glass and raisted with 2X4 blocks
Its a 2" Arganite Sand Bed (im scared of a DSB)
Filteration was with a Emperor 400 and natural
Skimmer was a $15 cheapo that worked great but put lots of bubbles in the tank.
I just got my 55 gallon 2 days ago