pearl coral help


Active Member
I was wondering if anyone had any secrets to success with pearl corals? All of the levels in the tank are where they should be (calcium 450, dkH 10, pH 8.2) and I have had this coral for about 4 months now and all of a sudden it took a turn for the worst. It is not dying, but it is not completely open either. I have a candy cane coral that is thriving, a xenia that is spreadig like crazy, two beautiful frags of zoos, a beautiful finger coral, and a couple of other corals that are doing excellenly. It is only this one that is not doing well. Do they need a lot of flow? I do not have it in an extremely high flow area, could this be the problem? I am just a little concerned about it because it not opening is so unlike my pearl coral.


Active Member
IMO, they need to be placed in the sand with low flow, direct good light and feed choped meaty fare often. Mine did well untill one of my hammers fell into it during a tank change. Hammer won.


Active Member
Wow, fed chopped meaty food? Really? I did not know this. I have the other three covered. It is in a shallow tank, being provided strong PC lighting, it is in the sand, and like I said, it is in a low flow area.


Active Member
We are talking about a pearl "bubble" coral right ?
They normally open their feeder tenticals at night or when they sence food in the water and thats when you should gently baste/squirt the food into it. This was my green pearl open and hungry.


Active Member
Great Pic of a hungry Pearl bubble, mine is in the exact type area you described and it does very well, and i have one in my nano tank that is growing like crazy, will probly have to switch it out soon! Todd


Active Member
Dogstar, I wanted to thank you for the advice once again. After 3 hours of feeding my pearl, it is now opening back up again. Thanks a lot!


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Dogstar, I wanted to thank you for the advice once again. After 3 hours of feeding my pearl, it is now opening back up again. Thanks a lot!
:cheer: your very wellcome. Thank you for thanking me.

Any pics ?????


Soft corals release potent chemicals that could be messing it up. In Aquarium Corals by Eric Boreneman it say they are usually found in low light or shade but sometimes in bright light. Bright light will produce smaller bubbles. They should be in low flow not strong current. If you havent fed yours it could be starving.