pearl scale butterfly or coral beauty pymg angel?

red crab

Hello everyone,
I am back on the forms again! I need some help with my 55 gallon tank. So far I have a yellow deep sea coral and 3 green chormis. As far as filtration goes I have a 150 gallon protein skimmer a 70 gallon bio wheel and a 120 refugium. Every thing seems to be going fine the deep sea coral is the newest addition to the tank. I want a peal scale butterfly or a coral beauty angel. I was wondering if either of them will eat my coral? I had wanted a hawk fish but they will some of the stuff i want so thats out of the equation. Should I add some janitors first or go on to the fun stuff? If any one plays Urban rivals u can friend me I am"Mara JadeUS"
Sincerely Red Crab,


HEY THERE...Glad you are back....
what do you mean you have a 120 refugium?
The coral beauty would be fine....I have had great results with mine....not sure about the pearlscale...have to look it up :)

red crab

thanks nice to see u are still on! refugum is a glass box on the back of my tank it is like a very small reef tank lots of algae and some rock its should help cycle. U should play urban rivals with me!!