Pecula reef friendly?


New Member
I was told that pecula clowns were suppoed to be very reef friendly. However, mine are picking at everything. When ever a coral opens up these two bandits come in and nip nip nip, causing the coral to run and hide. They seem to be pests, is this normal behavior for Pecula?
Thanx, James


Not normal to my knowledge. Are they just checking things out or are they doing damage? If they are just checking things out, they should settle in a few days. They are very curious and since there are no other fish in the tank, they may just be checking out their new home.


it's probably a territorial thing imo. my goby does that to my polyps sometimes. my goby thinks that's his tank. :mad: :D


I've had 1 small percula for a week now, and all he does is swim next to the glass (he sleeps beside a ph). Since I put him in, I've never seen him even look at my rock or corals.
Is he retarded???


"Tank challenged" I believe is the politally correct term these days ;)
I've always found that Perculas do better in groups than individually. They are very social within their own group (once they get done killing the ones in the group that they don't want around).
Is there anything else in the tank that may be intimidating it? Is it tank bred? Was it more active in the show tank when you bought it?