Penguin 350


For my tank I currentlly have a Penguin 350 running on the back for my filter. I have read different things on this site but I am curious on what would be the best way to run the filter. I was recentlly informed that I should run carbon for about 48 hours and then take it out, so that is a tip I am going to put to use. It also has a bio-wheel, well two of them, and I have yet to decide if I should keep them in there or take them out becuase I have had the filter for a few months and everythgin is running fine but I have read mixed reviews on using a bio-wheel in a salt water tank. Any input would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
i have heard of putting lr rubble in there which i have done myself before made perfect sense to me jmo tobin :happyfish


Maybe a hang on back wetdry filter with a skimmer could do better for your tank than a small canister filter. I had an Emperor 400 with bio wheels in my 55 gallon, I never had a problem with it but only used it to add water circulation and not as a filter.