Penguin BIO-Wheel 350



Anyone used one of these. I have heard Emperor 400 is one of the best but i wanted to try the Penguin...
Frankly, I like the look of the Penguin....


Have two 350's in a 55 and couldnt be happier. Easy/Cheap to maintain. Buy a large bottle of carbon and large roll of filter floss and you can replace the cartridges yourself for a fraction of the cost. I have carbon and floss from over 6 montsh ago that cost a total of 35 bucks and I change it every 2-3 weeks. Get crystal clear water. No real difference fromthe 400 except the emperor is rated for up to 80 gallon tank and the 350 is for up to 75. How big is your tank.


I have a 55. I have just finished the cycle about 3 weeks ago and starting to look into all the stuff to help maintain.
You have 2! I guess you cant have too much filtering?
Since i have your attention..... I cant quite afford to buy alot of things quite yet but i am looking at this Visi-Jet Protein Skimmer. Only 40.00! i figured i could get that untill I can afford a "real one."
Whats your opinion?


Active Member
Save your money on the protien skimmer>
Look for good deals on used skimmers like the Aqua C Remora's. I just picked up a used Pro for $100.
HOB filters have limited use in Saltwater tanks, I only use them for surface aggitation and running carbon occasionally.
With enough LR and circulation, a protein skimmer is all the extra filteration you need.


Active Member
I have a Peguin 350 in my 29 gallon. I love it. I always run the carbon and right now I have some Phos-X in it as my Phosphates are high (due to overfeeding). I bought it because it has lots of room for more media and because it was rated so high. I figured like you, more water flow the better. I have had NO trouble with it at all.