Anyone have this canister filter? I'm confused what is the push button self primer do whats it for when I cleaned it and connected it all nack up its making a noise do I have to push that button before I plug it in?
I have the 1500. See if the pump is moving water if it is don't do anything else. If it is not moving water you will need to prime the filter buy using the button. You will have to push the button more than the instructions recommend.
I have one that I use sometimes for carbon. The push button is for getting the siphon started. You will need to push it a few times after plugging the pump in. Not sure how many times as I will need to find the instruction sheet. I usully just push and hold a few seconds and repeat until i get frow out of the out put. I've found that this canister is usually a pain in the neck to get going. Hopefully this helps some.