People voting

koi lady

I can't remember which thread asked about the number of people voting/not voting. But I think I know why not very many are. They don't check the boards as often as the ones that are here and submitting, voting, and commenting. I know I missed out on putting pictures in for voting because of being busy and not getting on line until it was too late to submit. No one's fault but my own. Just be glad there are the ones that are looking, commenting and voting for these great pictures. '
I know I am going to be voting on a couple of other people's pictures that are in the group I submitted because their pictures are just so totally awesome.
This is one of the best contests I have entered. Learning what is out there and what there is to learn about taking pictures of aquarium life.


Active Member
i'll disagree a little. if you look down at the bottom of the page, there are usually 40-50 people on the page, plus a lot of visitors, usually bringing the total over 100 people looking.
why don't they all vote?


Active Member
maybe they're getting tired of going through the 20 polls a day,lol....GIANT contest..i havent voted yet in all that are up right now just because of how many you have to go through each time,lol...but i'll get there!!!
lots of great photos out there to just look at too and enjoy other peoples' fish/corals


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
yes, but sometimes there's 20 votes, then there's 100s of votes... it is just weird.


I think if there was a thumbnail image for each entry, there might be more voting going on.
Also, another personal turn-off is looking for's photo, since the link doesn't bring you right to the photo.
I do most of them but I am sure there are a lot of people who just don't want to invest the time to look at all of them.
just some random thoughts


Active Member
It would have been more productive if you didnt have to click all the links and open each thread, then search through it to find the one you THINK they're submitting. If the pics are in the poll thread it saves tons of time going through all these. Like I had stated before in the "item name" thread. Personally, I try to vote on all that I can, I just don't have the time. I have DSL and it still takes a while. Hate to think what dial up would be like.
I usually stay logged in here, I assume others do too. So it will show us there, but we're not!