Pep Shrimp?


Is it natural for the pep shrimp to hide in caves all of the time? Don't see them very much. Are there any special feeding requirements for them?
I threw an algae sheet in the tank and the shrimp nor the hermit crabs touched it.....are they just happy with the algae on the LR?


Active Member
Yep, peps for the most part stay in or around ledges, caves etc. They need to feel secure. You should see them get active when you feed the rest of your tank. Mine east most everything they can get their little claws on from flake food to krill or pellets. Make sure when you feed that you drop a little by their area so they don't have to rely on scavenging only.


thanks. the shrimp picked a kind of hard to reach cave to hide....not too sure how to get food really close, and the powerheads usually just kick the food all over the tank anyway?
any suggestions?


Active Member
It doesn't need to be real close. Just in the general area. They'll come out and get it. The point I wanted to make was to not let survive on scraps only. They're scavengers by nature but we want them to have enough to be healthy and thrive. I've found in time that the peps will come out more and more at feeding time. They just need to feel that coming out to eat doesn't result in them becoming a meal:eek:
Good Luck!

bang guy

Keep in mind that Peppermint Shrimp are nocturnal by nature. They can be easily trained to be out in the lights with food. I strongly suggest you try hand feeding them. Hold some food near them and let them come over & clean your hand.