pepermint shrimp.. freind or foe?

hello all,
I suspect my pep. shrimp ate my star polyp and yellow polyps.
I bought him to eat aptatia, and it definatly doesn't do that.
all I want is some shrooms and some polyps in my fowlr.
should I find a new home for peppy or should he stay.
I also have a cleaner shrimp, if that matters at all.


I have a peppermint shrimp with star & button polyps and no problems. He also eats the little aptasia. Others might have had different experiences but no problems here.


Active Member
I think pep shrimp are evil. I will never trust another one. I would recommend against them. Cleaner shrimp are wonderful, however.

bang guy

They will definately eat Yellow Polyps. I'm not so sure they can eat Star Polyps. 'spose it's possible.


My camelback has been eyeing my yellow polyps lately as peps aren't the only kind of evil shrimp! :yes:


my 2 peps are very distructive, they have compleately diminished my pod population over the past 9 months, as well as all the small feather dusters, I ended up giving them away at our last reef society meeting!

bang guy


Originally posted by misty927
My camelback has been eyeing my yellow polyps lately

Camelback Shrimp are NOT reef safe.


Active Member

Originally posted by The Josey Wales
I put him in the fuge... he's not happy..
Easy to catch though, he attacked the net! WOO-HOO!

LOL NEVER underestimate the power of the net! The net is allpowerful in the world of fish.