Peppered Moray


Active Member
just seen this guy for sale on this site and had never heard of this eel before..
anyone have any information on this eel, ie max size ect ect ect.
Looking for a eel that i can house for life in a 7 foot 265 gallon tank,no chainlink or snowflakes
site has eel labeled as Siderca picta but i have also seen it labeled as Gymnothorax pictus when i google it.
any idea on what the correct name for this eel is?


Peppered moray grows as large as 4.5' Is better known as Gymnothorax Pictus then the name you got and has two rows of vomerine teeth with no fangs, feeds on fish and crustaceans.


Active Member
anyone have any suggestions for a eel that would be suitable for life in a 265 gallon tank?


There are a great many eels that can be manageable in a 265, but the choice ideal eel will depend on the fish that you be keeping as well. You need to know exactly what types of fish you will have with an eel, and then your choices could be better listed.


For one, least to my own prospective in this, the tang or dogface for the long term of keeping these in with a Cephalopholis Urodelus could become its victims for it will become very aggressive in time, least of all that is what is normal for this species. The maroon clown will vanish the quickest. Know this, with such aggressive species as the Cephalopholis Urodelus, you not have any eel that grows smaller then three feet, and even then, the eel you have must also not be as trim body figure for which the larger the grouper grows, the more dangerous it could become. It could even take the eel head first in attempt to eat it and upon realizing that it could not swallow its meal whole would spit out the eel, and most likely then after, that eel will die. Too often I seen or heard this happening.
I tell you this so that you be aware of the possible dangers, if you still wish to have this grouper or some other, the eels for you to pick from will be of so much larger, and you would have to get that eel already at a larger growth size for which the grouper will grow pretty quick.
You can look around if you wish for other ideas in this, but the bottom line, anyone who mix groupers with eels are taking risk. Now I not say it couldn't be done at all, only you would need to pick the right combination in this and feed that grouper each day to keep well fed to keep its aggressiveness down some. But do also note that, there will be no guarantees for the long term in this mixer, and the larger the aquarium the better in this case.
You might do better to keep the tang and puffer and go with a triggerfish, just a suggestion for you to think about>


Active Member
so how fast does this grouper grow. I have had it about 3 months and i bet it hasnt grown more then 1/2 an in at best. Its still the smallest fish in this tank.
puffer is around 7"
tang about 6"
maroon is about 5 1/2"
grouper is around 3 1/4" - 4 "
edit: forgot to add my bamboo shark in the current stock list.
8 month old 10-12" brown banded bamboo


I dont think that i can help you other then to just let you do as what you want in your tank. This i had ready for if you wanted to stay with the grouper>
Now, i had all these eels listed here at one time or another and i would have to say that among these listed here, would mostly do better with a grouper, is the Brown moray. The problem with this eel is, if you be able to manage its diet needs, for which it feeds mostly on soft shelled crabs and gastropods.
Brown moray
Blackcheek moray (can and will be territorial) This is is my second choice>
Steindachner's moray eel
Red Sea whitespotted moray
You can even try the Peppered moray and be sure to get this eel at somewhat of a larger size for which isnt so thick an eel during its young age and only grows a bit faster then the snowflake moray. The choice is yours, and yours alone. Just be sure to keep both well feed and large water changes you you just may do something to where many has failed.
Your grouper is small yet, at the time its reaches a certain size, from there it will grow quicker> If you ask the same question again, I will not respond to it. And your tank isnt large enough for when the eel reaches its full growth and im sure that you will add some other fish. You do what you like. good luck


Active Member
im not discrediting your advice at all. thats how i feel your post is coming off as.
im here for advice and advice alone. im not dead set on buying an eel i was only asking if there would be an eel suitable for my tank.
My last post was about the grouper and i only wanted to know exactly what i should expect from this fish.
I wanted to know how fast it would take for this grouper to reach this dangerous size and start eating my other fish. I post there sizes to give some type of time frame before the grouper could or would be capable of eating the other fish.


Originally Posted by yerboy
im not discrediting your advice at all. thats how i feel your post is coming off as.
im here for advice and advice alone. im not dead set on buying an eel i was only asking if there would be an eel suitable for my tank.
My last post was about the grouper and i only wanted to know exactly what i should expect from this fish.
I wanted to know how fast it would take for this grouper to reach this dangerous size and start eating my other fish. I post there sizes to give some type of time frame before the grouper could or would be capable of eating the other fish.
i have 6 eels
2 undulated eels
wolf eel
white eye moray
snake eel
lepard eel
w/ all triggers and a few other alway busy all seem 2 get along lol just eat like 25 minnows a day kind of funny


You can discredit or not, i was or had been trying to assist you in your best interest as well as the inhabitants you will keep. Many around often agree that the Chiloscyllium punctatum grows as large as 3+ and then some, that an aquarium of 300 gallons is required. And your here with a 265 and you want grouper, shark and eel and then some.
You give the fish present size at this time, and you must realize that they will not remain at that size. You need to make your plans according to the inhabitants near normal maximum growth and not at what they are as of now.
im not dead set on buying an eel i was only asking if there would be an eel suitable for my tank
You been sounding as if you were dead set on the idea, and now you shown me that I waste time in trying to best direct you within a type of eel. This was your second post on your question.
anyone have any suggestions for a eel that would be suitable for life in a 265 gallon tank?
And now your saying something different, your not serious to what you asking and then your changing from one thing too another and there were a few other eels that i would had mention. And before i take my leave, there happens to be a great many eels that are a little more then two feet and smaller. if your going to have a grouper, you not want these smaller eels in the mix. I feel for the most part that i wasted only time with you. Good Luck with whatever you do.


Active Member
i think we have both misunderstood each other.
I had gotten off topic and was asking more about the grouper then i was about the Eel.
I never said i was dead set on an eel yet i have always been interested in the possibility and thats why i created this thread. If you misunderstood that or feel i had changed my story or feel i waisted your time im sorry for the confusion.
I think i misunderstood your post with the list of eels because at the end you said the eel would outgrow the tank and after rereading i believe you were referring the the peppered moray and not the suggested eels.
I understand that the fish i listed will grow and the sizes listed are not full adult size.
I guess i was tiring to find out if some of the fish would reach full adult size "or a size were the grouper would likely not harm the fish" before the grouper would reach the size needed to kill/eat said fish.
I do appreciate your help.
I will talk to my LFS this weekend and see if they are interested in taking this grouper off my hands and hopefully open my options for a nice eel and also save the future life's of my current inhabitants .


Your no idea really in the extensive knowledge im to do within eels. And of course its another thread of yours gone to hell as you put it and why? You want to do something that so many not agree on. And im pretty much to the part were saying I wasted time that perhaps something was taking in and really wasn't as a total lost at that.
Im no problems as you say for those problems are of your own doing and not mind, you insist you wanted an eel and then you don`t, what is that called? And I understood you that you wanted an idea on some eel that you could keep with the grouper. We all learn things from one another here.
I was until you changed your words to joking suggest you go with a Gymnothorax undulatus. There be good reasons why I wouldn't suggest this creature as one of your picks.
Sorry that i feel if your a hot head, which is why no one can really help you if that be the case, and im the best interest for your aquarium inhabitants in the first place :( Still the same, i wish you the best of luck ;) And you were asking about both, the grouper and eel.
i have 6 eels
2 undulated eels
wolf eel
white eye moray
snake eel
lepard eel
If there all in the same tank, the undulated eels must be quite young juveniles as yet, those eels will kill all the others when they grow, and they grow to as large as 5 feet and are very aggressive species. There also will be no guarantee that even if in there own tank that they will live as pals, for one day your to expect that one or both will attack the other. So a very huge aquarium system might help hold their aggression to a limited level. Again, no guarantees.
I did suggest to you if you be of any interest of a triggerfish, but not a queen or clown trigger or so. Your lfs can never really tell you that this grouper will never become aggressive, but it wouldnt be for quite some time as yet, it could happen even a few years down the road.
Im sure that you must had heard stories of keeping fish like these in other hobbyists tanks and that for a good long while, all is sweet and dandy as they say. And one day it happens, your a species thats gone totally aggressive.
I can only say that im sorry for saying i was wasting my time here, sometimes i say something just for my feeling in which is only for the moment. So best of luck on making the right decision> :) Good Luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by OMOTS
sometimes i say something just for my feeling in which is only for the moment. So best of luck on making the right decision> :) Good Luck
and thats why i edited my last post. :D


Active Member
Originally Posted by OMOTS
You can discredit or not, i was or had been trying to assist you in your best interest as well as the inhabitants you will keep. Many around often agree that the Chiloscyllium punctatum grows as large as 3+ and then some, that an aquarium of 300 gallons is required. And your here with a 265 and you want grouper, shark and eel and then some.
You give the fish present size at this time, and you must realize that they will not remain at that size. You need to make your plans according to the inhabitants near normal maximum growth and not at what they are as of now.
You been sounding as if you were dead set on the idea, and now you shown me that I waste time in trying to best direct you within a type of eel. This was your second post on your question.
And now your saying something different, your not serious to what you asking and then your changing from one thing too another and there were a few other eels that i would had mention. And before i take my leave, there happens to be a great many eels that are a little more then two feet and smaller. if your going to have a grouper, you not want these smaller eels in the mix. I feel for the most part that i wasted only time with you. Good Luck with whatever you do.

I believe that the language barrier here is causing a lot of problems with communication. I dont think that you are quite understanding what he is asking. He is not trying to waste your time, but at the same time, you are not answering all of his questions. He understands that the fish are going to grow, which is why he gave the size of the fish and asked how long it would take for the grouper to get large enough to start eating the other inhabitants. I dont think your English is quite strong enough to properly answer his questions (or maybe understand them). Don't think that I am trying to attack you in any way because I am not, but I can tell that you are getting frustrated, and there doesn't seem to be a real problem other than the language barrier.
Now onto the questions at hand. Groupers are amazing fish, and are king of the reef for a very good reason. All of them get really large, and all of them can become aggressive towards tank mates. If it was me in your shoes, I would bring the grouper to the LFS and trade him in for credit, or try to sell him on the "live selling and trading board". This would open up your options quite extensively. I think without the grouper you could get just about any eel you want (as long as they are not growing to 5 foot in length or anything like that. You could get something like a zebra, as those are very docile and should not attack any of your fish. They also get relatively big but will not outgrow your tank. Your bamboo shark might outgrow that tank in time, as they usually get to be about 3 feet long or so and need a lot of sand to lay on. It also all depends on how much rock work you are going to have in the tank. Do you already have all of your rock? If so how much?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sk8shorty01
I believe that the language barrier here is causing a lot of problems with communication. I dont think that you are quite understanding what he is asking. He is not trying to waste your time, but at the same time, you are not answering all of his questions. He understands that the fish are going to grow, which is why he gave the size of the fish and asked how long it would take for the grouper to get large enough to start eating the other inhabitants. I dont think your English is quite strong enough to properly answer his questions (or maybe understand them). Don't think that I am trying to attack you in any way because I am not, but I can tell that you are getting frustrated, and there doesn't seem to be a real problem other than the language barrier.
Now onto the questions at hand. Groupers are amazing fish, and are king of the reef for a very good reason. All of them get really large, and all of them can become aggressive towards tank mates. If it was me in your shoes, I would bring the grouper to the LFS and trade him in for credit, or try to sell him on the "live selling and trading board". This would open up your options quite extensively. I think without the grouper you could get just about any eel you want (as long as they are not growing to 5 foot in length or anything like that. You could get something like a zebra, as those are very docile and should not attack any of your fish. They also get relatively big but will not outgrow your tank. Your bamboo shark might outgrow that tank in time, as they usually get to be about 3 feet long or so and need a lot of sand to lay on. It also all depends on how much rock work you are going to have in the tank. Do you already have all of your rock? If so how much?
i was feeling the same way about the language barrier also. And thats why i did edit that last post because my original reply was quite harsh.
I know the bamboo is going to out grow the tank in time and have already talked with one person about taking it off my hands but as of right now the only method would be to overnight the shark to his locations. The weather right now barely reaches above freezing in my area so i think shipping it is out of the questions.
I have around 150lbs of LR in that tank so there is really allot of swimming room but the shark spends most of his time hanging out in the nooks and caves of the rock that is there and only seems to venture out during feedings or at night.
Hopefully once the weather warms up or if i find a local person with the proper size tank it will be relocated.
i had read that this grouper only reaches 11" in length and was comfortable with him as a tank mate because the other fish grow to a size that i felt would be safe for them.
At full lengths the smallest of the fish would be the maroon clown topping out at close to 7" , i thought that would be a well enough size to keep it from becoming prey to the grouper. Apparently that isnt the case.


I believe that the language barrier here is causing a lot of problems with communication. I dont think that you are quite understanding what he is asking.
I understand, only there be rather difficulties in how to best explain it. Because of it, i will not go into details about just what and why are those problems. The only thing you best to understand is, im one of those people to do within a certain type of species in whose knowledge surpasses so many others.
He is not trying to waste your time, but at the same time, you are not answering all of his questions.
Whatever his intents were or is, even be for that matter. He understood of my concerns to not just tell him just anything, and left it at that. He also figured that I was in his best interest and he as well knows that I wish him all the best in making the right decisions.
sk8shorty01, your remarks in this, should never happen for which there was no reason for it other then your one who only wants to sound as his/her be doing the bet in other people interest
Don't think that I am trying to attack you in any way because I am not, but I can tell that you are getting frustrated, and there doesn't seem to be a real problem other than the language barrier.
The problem in which you think is there isn't anything other then my own difficulties be best to express myself and nothing more.
I would bring the grouper to the LFS and trade him in for credit, or try to sell him on the "live selling and trading board". This would open up your options quite extensively.
That is correct and I simply mentioned something to those effect on possibly to see if he fine some interest in a trigger or two and it would widen his selection to some type of eel.
You could get something like a zebra
In a aggressive tank to have so docile an eel isn't quite a logical thing to do. For yes, many of these things work for a long period of time, but long term wise for it to work, he would need to either do one or two things here. One is he has the zebra in its own tank, until it grows quite large enough to take that chance. or he could buy a already near full grown zebra. But if the grouper is still about, i not give you chances on the zebra in the long term.
And he will be needing a good amount of live rock as it is, I not gone into that question on his LR, for I not know at the time to what he was really doing just then.
But being you think (sk8shorty01) i not understand anything here, perhaps you can answer anything on what this young person is looking to do. The bottom line is, I wouldn't had commented as you done, only paste remarks of others who bashes another, no matter what it was for, no one needs to be bashed when their looking for answers. And I not done that!!!


Looks real nice, but the live rock, it looks you have it more or less piled against the back of your tank. In any species of eel you end up in desire to have will require a lair and that it could hide away in total darkness. Is that a siphon overflow box in the back? You could still in my opinion use even more live rock. You can cure the new live rock in a Rubbermaid, with a air pump and stone, and a powerhead. And sorry for any misunderstandings


Active Member
Originally Posted by OMOTS
Looks real nice, but the live rock, it looks you have it more or less piled against the back of your tank. In any species of eel you end up in desire to have will require a lair and that it could hide away in total darkness. Is that a siphon overflow box in the back? You could still in my opinion use even more live rock. You can cure the new live rock in a Rubbermaid, with a air pump and stone, and a powerhead. And sorry for any misunderstandings

Yes it is piled against the back because i wanted to keep as much open area in the front and sides for the sharks swimming room. In that picture there are 2 overflow box's but i have since removed the center most one.
I do desire more Lr for this tank, somewhere in the neighborhood of another 100-150 lbs putting me around the 300lbs range. My LFS is very proud of there LR as it sells for 8-9$ a lb
My wife and i have just had our first child 2 weeks ago so my wife is taking a little more active roll in the spending of money and i cant convince her to let me drop 1k$ on some rocks as she would put it. So i have been watching the classifieds for cheaper rock that may be within driving distance.