pepperment shrimp-WHAT TO FEED?


I have a few pepperment in my nano. I feed them some flakes once or twice a week and spirulina algae tablets every other day. Is this enough for them? As for right now I dont have any fish in there.I gave them the tablets tonight and they are not eating it. Does that just mean they are not hungrey or ? They ate it before... :rolleyes:


I'd bet they just don't feel like eating right now.
I had a peppermint a while back and it used to eat shrimp pellets.
My cleaner shrimp eats shrimp pellets, too, and both ate flake.


New Member
I agree,I do think that is plenty.I have 5 peppermints,and I feed them small pieces
of uncooked raw white shrimp every other day.They eagerly devour it. :joy:


I bought two peppermin shrimp because some aptasia in my tank and they've taken care of that problem! (
) Now I'm a bit concerned about them eating something else. The problem is they are hiding all the time and don't even come out during feeding. I just see them sitting deep under the rock structure all the time. The skunk shrimp is very bold and eats everything, but I'm not too sure about the peppermints...and am concerned that perhaps they're not getting enough!