Peppermint Aggressive


Active Member
I recently added more snails and hermits and I notice today my Peppermint had kill 1 of my snails and hermits. Could it be starving or just being aggresser?


Active Member
Yes I'm sure, cause I can see flesh coming out of the snails and arms and legs from the hermit crab. And its a true peppermint shrimp cause I check before I bought it.


Active Member
Didn't know they had the ability to kill anything like the sorts. Maybe a coral banded shrimp with claws or something. Normally what happens with snails is they fall off the glass and the hermits run in and kill them.


Active Member
Sure it is a pepp? I have seen where they look like pepps but are really not. Just a thought. :thinking:


i doubt a peppermint would have the ability to actually KILL something......i believe it may have looked like that when you saw it but the snail was probably already dead or almost dead and the peppermint was cleaning or eating it......but really doubt it KILLED it.....
my peppermints are weak....they get beat up all the time by my blood and cleaner shrimp


Peppermints are sort of the shrimp version of the kid in elementary school who ate paste and got his butt kicked out by the bike rack after school!



Active Member
Originally Posted by tampausmc
i doubt a peppermint would have the ability to actually KILL something......i believe it may have looked like that when you saw it but the snail was probably already dead or almost dead and the peppermint was cleaning or eating it......but really doubt it KILLED it.....
my peppermints are weak....they get beat up all the time by my blood and cleaner shrimp

I have to second this. My peppermint shrimp seems to be the wimp of my shrimps and I have cleaners, pistols, sexys, coral banded and a fire shrimp. My guess is the snail was dead and the peppermint wasn't going to let a free meal pass by.