Peppermint & Cleaners... Friends or Foes?


I just noticed that I have a little aiptasia growing on a piece of my LR, and was going to pick up a peppermint shrimp or 2 to get the job done without having to squirt them with anything. I also really like scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp because of their benefits as well. Can these 2 kinds of shrimp live together peacefully or will they kill each other? Also, how many peppermints should I get for a 46gal bow, and do cleaners do better in pairs or singly? Thanks!


Active Member
You are taking your chances putting two Lysmata species together in a tank. I have a peppermint and a skunk cleaner in my 29 biocube without incident but you just never know.


I have 3 peppermint, 1 cleaner, and 1 coral banded in one of my tanks. No problems
. Sometimes the CB tries to go after...well just about anything in my tank, but it's too bleamin slow to catch anything


ive heard that peperments will go after your aiptasia more if they are in groups dont know if thats ture or not?


I was thinking about getting one of each for a 46. My LFS had a cool little CB with a purple body, but I've heard that they get too aggressive. Would I have to hand-feed the shrimp or will they just scavenge?


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
You are taking your chances putting two Lysmata species together in a tank. I have a peppermint and a skunk cleaner in my 29 biocube without incident but you just never know.
Spanko, I've heard the exact opposite on this, that mixing the genus was okay, just not the species, Peppermints being the exception on that.


Active Member
Hi gmann!
Here is a quote from Wet Web Media.
"With plenty of cover and conscientious feeding, cleaner shrimp can be kept more than one to a tank; though all shrimps identified as cleaners will consume one another to a degree, given a lack of alternate food or cover. Should you have big bucks and the stomach for your livestock possibly consuming each other, Lysmata shrimps can be crowded together."
Hence my statement that you are taking you chances, but as noted by me and some others here there are some success stories on keeping different species together.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Hi gmann!
Here is a quote from Wet Web Media.
"With plenty of cover and conscientious feeding, cleaner shrimp can be kept more than one to a tank; though all shrimps identified as cleaners will consume one another to a degree, given a lack of alternate food or cover. Should you have big bucks and the stomach for your livestock possibly consuming each other, Lysmata shrimps can be crowded together."
Hence my statement that you are taking you chances, but as noted by me and some others here there are some success stories on keeping different species together.
Thanks. I notice they use the term 'crowded'. Do they recommend a certain shrimp-to-gallon ratio to stay below?


I would be hand-feeding them some clams and small pieces of silversides... would this be good to keep them healthy and prevent them from killing each other? Plus don't they scavenge on their own, too?


Active Member
Yup. Do not be afraid of doing this. As you can see most everyone has done it and most often okay. Just be aware that strange things can and do happen.


I was just making sure because I was going to my LFS today to get the shrimp. I didn't want to walk into a situation blindly and just hope for the best.


Active Member
they will stay to their own, but if their is a significant size difference, don't be surprised if the little one dissappears.


The ones I saw @ my LFS were in the same tank and about the same size... they seemed fine together... the peppermints weren't in with the cleaners because he didn't have any yet. Would 2 peppermint and 2 cleaners be ok in a 46 bow?


Active Member
Originally Posted by CedarReef
The ones I saw @ my LFS were in the same tank and about the same size... they seemed fine together... the peppermints weren't in with the cleaners because he didn't have any yet. Would 2 peppermint and 2 cleaners be ok in a 46 bow?
Yeah, I'd go 3 Peps and 1 Cleaner.