Peppermint shrimp and Corals


I was planning to do a reef setup in my 40 gal, but due to way too much aiptasia, I added two peppermint shrimp to see if they could help the problem. I've heard that peppermint shrimp do eat some corals? I was wondering what types of coral are safe with peppermints?

luca brasi

Originally Posted by nycbob
my peppermints dont eat corals. if u keep them well fed, it shouldnt be a problem.


Active Member
I just posted a thread about this, my three peppermints have just started trying to eat my zoos and my hammer coral. I fed them a chunk of herring and am waiting to see if this helps the problem.


Active Member
Peef are you sure you have peppermints and not a camelback?
the thing is harmless peppermints are OFTEN mistaken for camelbacks which are not reef safe. they are very similar shrimp. i have never seen or heard of peppermints actually causing problems.


whats funny about this camelback picture, is the name of the file. it came from a website describing it as a peppermint! right click it and select properties and look at the file name...
just another example of how common this mistake is.


Active Member
My LFS said that they were peppermint, but I personally do not know past that. I will do some serious comparison tonight and I am just crossing my fingers that the chunk of herring I gave them holds them over until I get off of work.


Active Member
yellow polyps are closely related to anenomes, which wouldnt surprise me if either of the species ate them. aiptasia is a type of anenome and the regular peps eat them usually.