Peppermint shrimp babies


New Member
I know peppermint shrimp do this all the time, but I was wondering if it was worth a shot to try and raise the babies in a net-box thing, hanging inside my main tank, rather than trying to do it in a separate tank?
I put the mom shrimp in one of those "breeder nets" you put freshwater livebearers in when they are about to give birth. I added some pieces of caulerpa, too, and hung it from the side near my air bubbler so the current is passing through well, but not strong.
From what I've read online, it seems like the most common pitfalls with baby peppermint raising are too strong of current, rough handling, and bad water parameters in a young tank set up hastily for the babies.
Does this approach seem reasonable to anyone, or am I goofy??
The babies' eyes have been visible for a few days now.


Active Member
I had peppermint shrimp babies that managed to hide in my tank and grow to nearly one centimeter (Yes, I am sure they were peppermint shrimp and not amphipods, etc.), but a fish or my cleaner shrimp would eventually eat them before they grew any larger than that. They will eat leftover food and other detritus.
Good luck.


Active Member
I have seen that they are aqucultured, so maybe if you do a search you will find some info. Would be nice to figure it out. Good Luck.