Peppermint Shrimp Death In The Family


ive had a peppermint shrimp for the past month hes was doin great then today he suddenly died. it cant be from starvation, but wat my guess is that my new cb shrimp which i got today killed it. he was goin rite up to the cb and messing around with it gettin it mad. so i left the house for a while n he was floating around on top. is that a good guess on how it was killed. my bro performed an auptopsy on it and said ther wer no punctures, he said he thinks its the frogspawn that killed him. comment bak on wut u think it is please.


Active Member
I would pretty much bet money on your CBS. They are evil little buggers Really though, I had, keyword HAD-a CBS until I finally saw him in the act and ate my 3rd Skunk. Needless to say he is no longer a member of my reef
and I will never again keep a CBS with other shrimp. Cleaners and peppermints are much more beneficial to a reef.


New Member
never had a problem with cbs and peppermints , actually cbs are good for keeping worm population down since they feed at night. i like them for their longevity. pepermints for me only last about a year max. cleaners and fires 6 months. adding iodine will help.