peppermint shrimp died


I know damsels can be pretty aggressive at times, did you ever see aggression from those damsels towards the peppermint shrimp.


oh, are you sure it wasn't just a skin shed. The first time I saw my cleaner shrimp shed I thought it was dead.


New Member
To be honest, I can't say that I have seen him eat much. He shed last week and went into hiding a couple days just like I have read.


Well-Known Member
Shrimp are weird. High nitrates can do it tho. Aslong as your sure what u see isnt a molt


Active Member
No kidding. The first time my cleaner shrimp molted I was sure it was dead. Then my kid kept telling me about a new shrimp in the corner of the tank that was moving around. My Cleaner shrimp molts once or twice a month or so it seems.


New Member
I saw that he Molted last week. However, I am a little freaked wondering (is everything ok in my tank). I am leaning to the idea of maybe he didn't eat well enough. He never got too excited about feeding time. I figured he must be getting enough from whatever is laying around (waist and what not). I keep testing and all looks good, so who knows.


Well-Known Member
I had a peppermint shrimp that I got probably 2 years ago. I was sure it was dead. I never saw it, hadn't seen it in a very long time. In march when I transferred tanks I found it on one of the rocks. Probably 3 times it's original size. Unfortunately, it jumped off the rock on to the floor and my dog ate it before I realized what happened.


Well-Known Member
They are most vulnerable for a period of time right after they molt. They essentially shed their protective shell and grow/form a new one as they grow.

They are reclusive and spend most of their time in the rocks especially when the lights are on.

I've had them go unseen for many months at a time. You sure it's dead?


haha, my peppermint shrimp sounds the exact opposite of your shrimp's, he's almost always out and about looking for something to eat and then every once in a while he'll go hide in the live rock. I always try to feed mine directly along with my cleaner shrimp although it's not necessary since their scavengers and will probably find some extra mysis in the rocks but they always seem so happy when the turkey baster enters the tank and I can't resist feeding them. As for your shrimp, I'd definitely still keep an eye out for him if what you found was a molt.