peppermint shrimp dying slowly



We have had our tank set up for about two months. 75 gallon with 2 clowns, a few damsels, crabs and snails. pH 8.2, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, and nitrate 0. We originally had 5 peppermint shrimp, then 3 and now I can only find one. Is something eating them or what? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

bang guy

Sounds a lot like Iodine poisoning (wild guess). Are you finding them dead or are they just disappearing?
Can you list your water parameters, especially Salinity?


Active Member
Nothing you listed would be eating them. Tank is very new and my guess is water conditions are killing them. Not sure, but if calcium and iodine levels aren't good they could be haveing a hard time molting and not surviving. This is a pure guess. BTW, I didn't have any critters in my tank for over 4 months when I set it up.


Thank you both for your posts. The specific gravity is 1.023. pH is 8.2, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, and nitrate 0. We have never tested for iodine or calcium. Is that something we should be doing in addition to our other testing. I know that they or some of the have molted because we have found the leftovers. Bangguy, they are just disappearing.


I had 5 peppermint shrimp in my 120 gallon but lately can only ever see a maximum of 4 at a time so I think we may have lost one. It's hard to tell, we have 250 lbs of LR so lots of hiding places. I haven't tested for iodine or calcium yet either so if you don't mind, I'll piggyback your post and watch for advice.
flip :jumping: