Peppermint shrimp: effective aiptasia control?


Active Member
If you have had success with peppermint shrimp eating aiptasia and not eating good corals please vote "yes", if you have had negative consequences with peppermint shrimp eating good corals or simply not eating the aiptasia please vote "no" and reply with what harm it did if any.
I have heard people say peppermint shrimp eat aiptasia, but with mixed success. I have been trying to kill this one aiptasia in my tank, the only one I had, six or seven times and every time it has come back. I have tried injecting sodium hydroxide, calcium chloride, a combination of the two, and good ol' fashion screwdiver pulverization until I could not see any signs of it. Everytime it has eventually came back to the same location. It has now spread to a new spot. My concern with peppermint shrimp is I heard one individual on this board say they ate his Ricordea florida and ignored the aiptasia. I have a really beautiful ricordea that I do not want harmed.


They are selective, but my pep shrimp do eat the aiptasia, when they feel like it. They also pick at anything else that moves-but they dont eat it, they are just really 'touchy feely' about everything as they are constantly searching for something to eat.


Active Member
I have 5 of them and it's mixed some times they will and other times, leave it alone. I am hoping they will keep in under control since I traded my raccoon butterfly. Now he can eat!


I had minor aiptasia problem on my new LR. I put in 2 peppermint shrimp and they ate all of problems in 2 days. I heard some peppermint like aiptasia, some dont. That's why I got 2.
I was very impressed at the instantanously result.


I got the 5 peppermint shrimp off this web site. They took care of the smaller aptasia immediately, and the two larger ones in about two weeks. They do climb all over everything, and make my zoos and clove polyps close up, but they haven't bothered my ricordea at all.


Other than stealing brine from my anemone and my hammer coral mine have bothered anything, including my apistasia.