Peppermint shrimp help!


I just got a peppermint shrimp today and acclimated her in about 2and a half hours. I noticed she was carrying eggs as well. Anyway i had her for a few hours and she was fine but now when i came home he was barely moving. Anyone know whats wrong? I just have snails and hermits in the tank and one damsel. My perimters are nitrite 0ppm, nitrate 10, ammonia 0ppm and ph is 8.2 , temp is 78 degrees, salinity is 1.025.


c0uld be s0me s0rt 0f acclimati0n sh0ck, but with ur descripti0n and readings I w0uld n0t think s0 unless there was a temp change perhaps its just getting use 2 its new tank, salinity c0uld be higher f0r crustati0ns but I d0nt think thats it
I have about 3 or 4 peppermint shrimp in my 75. They stay hidden just about all day long in my live rock and only come out when i feed. They are out all night though. So in other words hid during day, come out at night.
I agree! I had two rounds of pepp shrimp. First round I brought home and dropped the bag in the tank for temp to adjust. then I just let them go! Bad idea! However! only one died cause of shock i guess, two lived. Then I got two more after learning more. their good as well... But all of them stay hidden when the light are on. Only shrimp I have that is out most of the time is the Cleaner Shrimp. He hangs out up side down half the time under a rock! U may want to get one or two of those to watch during the day! Pretty cool!

naclh2o nut

Does she look like she is still carrying eggs? If so may be she is ready to lay them? I'm guessing here. As long as you have good numbers there is not much you can do.

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