Peppermint Shrimp Opinion


I bought 2 small peppermint shrimp (didn't have full colors yet) almost 2 weeks ago. Acclimated them for a little over 2 hrs. Have not seen them since we put them in the tank. We also found 2 huge bristleworms the day after we put the shrimp in. We have a Clarkii, black percula, wrasse, purple tang, goby and yellow eye tang 3 cleaner shrimp and an assortment of snails and hermit crabs. Opinions on whether they are alive or eaten? (We've been checking the tank at nite w/red tissue paper over are flash light too)


Two weeks is a long time to not see them at all. They don't come out even when you are feeding? I had 2 peppermint shrimp. One is still with me, but the other one went MIA for about 2 days. Then, I found a green hermit crab munch on the top 1/2 of it. I'm pretty sure he got killed by a large (1" +) hermit crab.
The other peppermint shrimp is about 50% larger than the one that got killed. So, I don't think the crabs, brittle star, or damsels bother him. He always comes out when I feed frozen brine shrimp, and I see him swimming the tank at night.
Hope yours are just good hiders.


Yikes, that is not good news then. MIA, since they scrambled to the back of our tank. We do have 100lbs LR at least with lots of hiding places, but not even when we feed do we see them. I forgot to add our Green carpet anenome in the list too. Do you think adults would fare better?


I have a small peppermint shrimp that will eat from my hand.
I had two very large peppermint shrimp that got mutilated by a hawkfish(took the hawkfish back to lfs), so I'm not sure that size really matters.
Though it would stand to reason that larger ones would fair better.


Tough to say. I introduced 2 camel shrimp to my tank a while ago. Didn't see them for a month. I was moving some rocks around one day...there they were...


New Member
the peppermint shrimp hide really good. I have six of them and the only time I see all of them is when my light comes on in the morning.


We also found a baby starfish(maybe the size of a dime) in our tank w/3 legs and the wrasse, 2 tangs, and our clarkii clownfish swarmed the area. Poor little thing only lasted a day out in the open. Don't know which of the fish got it for sure, though.


Active Member
I bought 2 of them and they are very good hiders. To see them, I really have to look around. I have a lot of caves for them to hide in. They seem to be doing and ok job keeping the aiptasia under control.


Active Member
Mine used to hide all the time but for some reason over the last two weeks, one of them is always out. I guess he isn't shy any more. I have a blue boxer that I put in about two months ago and I see him maybe once every two weeks and for only a second or two. I can see his cave but he just doesn't come out especially when the lights are on. I assume it comes out at night for food.


The main reason we bought them was for aipstaisa control, so hopefully we'll find out down the line if they are alive and just great hiders. We have so much LR with plenty of crevices and caves, so I'll just keep my fingers crossed as to their survival.


I bought one put it in my tank, and didn't see it fof two months. I found it in my overflow put it back in the tank, only to find it in the overflow again.