Peppermint Shrimp question

mot ii

We have had 2 conch snails in our tank for about 2+ months. A couple of weeks ago we added 3 peppermint shrimp. The shrimp are fairly active and when we put food in the tank they actually go to the top and it looks like they're walking on water upside down!
We added two percula clowns about a week ago.
Last night when I turned on the tank light I noticed one of the peppermint shrimp eating something that looked a bit like a small piece of rock. I thought it was odd, but figured it was some odd hitchhiker that the shrimp found nestled in the live rock.
This a.m. I noticed one of the conch shells sitting upside down with the opening on top. It looked almost as if it were empty (I didn't take it out to inspect further yet.) Then I noticed the other conch was in exactly the same position in a different area of the tank. They have never done this before so I doubt they accidentially flipped over.
Is it possible that the peppermint shrimp ate the conch snails?


Active Member
Yes they did eat the conch's. It may be that the conchs were on there way out or that the peppermints were very hungry. But yes they can prey on snails.

mot ii

Thanks. Do we need to worry about them eating any types of fish? We only have the clowns right now (we lost our other fish to ich a few months back so we remained fish free to get rid of it in the DT) but plan to get others over time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LexLuethar
They won't eat fish, but they will prey on snails, and soft corals / inverts.
it thought that that was camelback shrimp, but peppermints were 98% safe