Peppermint shrimp - safe with corals?


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Ok, I *think* they are safe with corals & they will eat aiptasia....but does that mean they will also eat other anemones? small polyps?(just making sure)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Travis89
Peppermint shrimp are fine with coral, they will usually only eat the small aiptasia.
When I had mine, they eat other types as well when they ran out of Aiptasia. They ate Majano and Tulip, there's NO anemone left in my tank. The Shrimps died afterwards since there's no anemone left for them to feast....Too bad they weren't like my other Peppermint that accepts food from my hand even though there's no anemone left.....


Active Member
They'll eat pest anemones. Mine never went near my BTA that I saw. I would always see him come out during feeding time to scavenge for food and eat any leftovers.


Active Member
First make sure you get the peppermint shrimp, and not a camel. Camels have white stripes and their back hump is more prevelant.
As for the peppermint, I have one in my tank, and if it is hungry it will eat almost anything. Mine first munched on aspia (reason i bought him in the first place), and now if he doesn't get enough food when i'm feeding my fish he eats pretty much anything - so far i've seen him eat my BTA, my sun polyps, snails, and pretty much anything else that gets in his path. I had to combat this issue with spot feedings, so every few days I have to give the

a chunk of raw fish/shrimp so he won't eat my polyps and BTA.
Reef safe yes - but monitor closely, if he's hungry he will eat anything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LexLuethar
First make sure you get the peppermint shrimp, and not a camel. Camels have white stripes and their back hump is more prevelant.
As for the peppermint, I have one in my tank, and if it is hungry it will eat almost anything. Mine first munched on aspia (reason i bought him in the first place), and now if he doesn't get enough food when i'm feeding my fish he eats pretty much anything - so far i've seen him eat my BTA, my sun polyps, snails, and pretty much anything else that gets in his path. I had to combat this issue with spot feedings, so every few days I have to give the

a chunk of raw fish/shrimp so he won't eat my polyps and BTA.
Reef safe yes - but monitor closely, if he's hungry he will eat anything.
notice the pepp shrimp says its a TRUE pepp. shrimp. click here if you dont have a true pepp shrimp, it will eat ANYTHING. I have a true pepp. and he is great! super personality and munches on aiptasia! Alot of LFS sell something other than pepp. shrimp. I would order one/few, or get one/few from another reefer who has had sucess and doesnt need the shrimp anymore b/c his aiptasia is gone :)


Active Member
Thanks all, the woman at the LFS told me that he might start munching on my corals if he got hungry (hooray for honesty!) and not to bother for one aiptasia lol


Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
When I had mine, they eat other types as well when they ran out of Aiptasia. They ate Majano and Tulip, there's NO anemone left in my tank. The Shrimps died afterwards since there's no anemone left for them to feast....Too bad they weren't like my other Peppermint that accepts food from my hand even though there's no anemone left.....
the peppermint shrimp didn't die because you had no more anemones left. peppermint shrimps will eat anything you feed your fish too. they even pick off of dead animals. they're pretty much scavengers so if yours died it was for some other reason.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Keri
Thanks all, the woman at the LFS told me that he might start munching on my corals if he got hungry (hooray for honesty!) and not to bother for one aiptasia lol
Peppermint shrimp can possibly snack on zoos, mine even ate a small Torch frag I placed into the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by anthropo
the peppermint shrimp didn't die because you had no more anemones left. peppermint shrimps will eat anything you feed your fish too. they even pick off of dead animals. they're pretty much scavengers so if yours died it was for some other reason.
It's happened to other folks I've chatted with as well. Some just don't adjust to taking foods. I think I mentioned in this post, maybe the other post. I had Peppermints in two different tank, one takes food from me, even climbs on my hand to fetch food, while the other tank does not. While the one takes from me lives and the ones that doesn't just disappear...I don't feed my tank heavily at that time, I feed enough just for the fish, nothing reaches to the bottom. Now in order to keep my other inhabitants happy, I have to feed some pellets or extra food so they can get it as well. My shrimp fights the fish for the food shrimp and crabs takes the food and run as fast as they can....I lost those Peppermints almost for a year now....Disappointment as they did a great job ridding all the anemones....