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First make sure you get the peppermint shrimp, and not a camel. Camels have white stripes and their back hump is more prevelant.
As for the peppermint, I have one in my tank, and if it is hungry it will eat almost anything. Mine first munched on aspia (reason i bought him in the first place), and now if he doesn't get enough food when i'm feeding my fish he eats pretty much anything - so far i've seen him eat my BTA, my sun polyps, snails, and pretty much anything else that gets in his path. I had to combat this issue with spot feedings, so every few days I have to give the
a chunk of raw fish/shrimp so he won't eat my polyps and BTA.
Reef safe yes - but monitor closely, if he's hungry he will eat anything.
notice the swf.com pepp shrimp says its a TRUE pepp. shrimp.
click here if you dont have a true pepp shrimp, it will eat ANYTHING. I have a true pepp. and he is great! super personality and munches on aiptasia! Alot of LFS sell something other than pepp. shrimp. I would order one/few, or get one/few from another reefer who has had sucess and doesnt need the shrimp anymore b/c his aiptasia is gone