Peppermint shrimp with CBS?


Active Member
I have some aiptasia growing in my 30g reef tank. I have a coral banded shrimp in there, and was wondering if i could put a peppermint shrimp in there aswell to help get rid of the aiptasia.


Active Member
Anybody? Sorry to do a bump - making a run to the LFS later today and wanted to know if I should pick one up.
EDIT - after reading around, it says they do better in groups... do you recommend keeping them in a group in a 30g? How big of a group do you think if so? 2? Thanks!


I would like some pepermint shrimp but I'm afraid my CBS would be aggresive towards them. I can't be sure but I think my CBS killed my cleaner shrimp. And Something keeps picking the legs off my fire shrimp.


I have 2 peppermints with my CB and a cleaner shrimp. They all have their seperate places, but they get along.
I would be sure you have enough rock work for them to hide and they would be fine.
Just my .02


I would love to add some more shrimp...I only have 1 CBS in each of my tanks, and have always read to keep one per tank-it even says so on this website
. I guess in the 125 i could have a couple since it is large, but in my 60 hex would 2 CBS be ok? Anyone have more than one CBS in a tank?



Originally posted by ctgretzky9
I would love to add some more shrimp...I only have 1 CBS in each of my tanks, and have always read to keep one per tank-it even says so on this website
. I guess in the 125 i could have a couple since it is large, but in my 60 hex would 2 CBS be ok? Anyone have more than one CBS in a tank?

From what I understand, two CBS should not be housed together unless they are a mated pair. Further, I have read that even if they are separated in different shipping bags they may loose there mating bond. You may try getting two very young ones; hope they are male and female and see if the will pair up.


Active Member
Well, the guy at the LFS gave me a peppermint shrimp for free cause the aiptasia was most likely from their store (considering I buy from nowhere else). He said try it, and hopefully it will work out.
First thing that happened when he was finally release was he ran right over to the coral banded shrimp. I had fed the CBS a huge piece of krill to work on for a good hour while the PS got used to the tank. Krill in mouth and all, the CBS chased the little bugger all the way around that half the tank before the CBS gave up and let it go.
Have 45lbs of LR in a 30g
So far they are both living, the PS has found a spot in the tank he likes to hide away from the CBS, unfortunetly (Spelling), the previous inhabitant of the hole was the firefish, he isn't too happy