peppermint shrimp


Originally Posted by Chance
I am thinking about getting some peppermint shrimp. Will they eat?
Also you don't want to feed them directly, this will take away from what they do best which is help keep the tank clean..


you should be ok with about 5, But like the post above the same goes with mine I rarly see them they only come out when the lights go out..


I decided to get some peppermint shrimp when they were ready to get out of the bag one came out near the ph it got sucked onto the bottom part of the ph I think it was on the ph for about50 seonds
then i turned the ph off THE SHRIMP HAS STAYED IN THE SAME SPOT it doesnt move one row of legs very much will it live


Originally Posted by Chance
I decided to get some peppermint shrimp when they were ready to get out of the bag one came out near the ph it got sucked onto the bottom part of the ph I think it was on the ph for about50 seonds
then i turned the ph off THE SHRIMP HAS STAYED IN THE SAME SPOT it doesnt move one row of legs very much will it live
I think this is a case that only time will tell.. Sorry to here that